Store Beta Reopening

The store is currently in open in a Beta state.

  That means the store is not currently 100% finished. You can order and have your order shipped or use curbside pick-up as normal. Some categories are currently not listed on the navigation bar and for those that are the subcategories may not be listed (The tags along the side can be used to sort in the meantime.) Items missing images may have incorrect pricing, inventory quantity or weight. (This should be a very small percentage based on already verified inventory and only affects items without images outside of human error.)

   For items that have images those items' stock and price have been verified and are correct. (Human error can occur though so something could be out of stock but we don't expect that to be the case.) For items without images the pricing and inventory hasn't been verified, only a small percentage of those have incorrect pricing or inventory listed, based on already verified inventory.

   If your order an item that hasn’t been verified (it doesn’t have an image) and the pricing has swapped between two items we'll send an invoice for any difference or a refund whichever is necessary. If you don't want to pay the higher price we can remove the item from your order and refund it. If the item is out of stock we'll remove the item from the order and refund it. If items are removed and there are no remaining items to ship in the order or you don't want the remaining items we'll cancel the order and refund any unrefunded items. 

   You can find items that aren't listed by searching using the Search option at the top of every page.



  If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank You